Saturday 16 May 2009


Now here is a fix. I have lost a small bunch of keys. They are quite important - but I haven't needed them for a couple of years so I assumed they were on the hook with all my other keys. But today I needed to look in that locked place and they were missing. I remember using them a couple of years ago. I remember what they look like and remember the colour of the leather fob but where can they have got to. Something so small but yet so powerful and capable of causing no end of bother.
I have searched high and low for them but so far no good. I think I will have put them in a pocket after I last used them and perhaps not returned them to their home hook but what on earth would I have been wearing two years ago.
No wonder Jesus used the word Keys when he was handing over responsibility to his disciple Peter because they are highly symbolic by the power they give to open and close otherwise impenetrable doors.
I'll keep searching but it may have to be a visit to a locksmith.
And I am still waiting for the plumber to fulfil his promise.

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