Tuesday 10 September 2013

George MacDonald on the Bible.

This quote is taken from the film "George MacDonald" by Charles William Seper, Jr. (The quote comes originally from the biography by MacDonald's son Greville.) George MacDonald replies to a woman who asks why he has fallen away from the Christian faith. He replies:

"Have you really been reading my books, and at this time ask me what have I lost of the old faith? Much have I rejected of the new, but I have never rejected anything I could keep and have never turned again to gather what I had once cast away. With the faith itself to be found in the old Scottish manse I trust I have a true sympathy. With many of the forms gathered around that faith and supposed by the faithful to set forth and explain their faith, I have none. At a very early age I had begun to cast them from me; but all the time my faith in Jesus as the Son of the Father of men and the Saviour of us all, has been growing. If it were not for the fear of its sounding unkind, I would say that if you had been a disciple of his instead of mine, you would not have mistaken me so much. Do not suppose that I believe in Jesus because it is said so-and-so in a book. I believe in him because he is himself. The vision of him in that book, and I trust, his own living power in me, have enabled me to understand him, to look him in the face, as it were, and accept him as my Master and Saviour, in following whom I shall come to the rest of the Father's peace. The Bible is to me the precious thing in the world, because it tells me his story; and what good men thought about him who knew him and accepted him. But, the common theory of the inspiration of the words, instead of the breathing of God's truth in the hearts and souls of those who wrote it, and who then did their best with it, is degrading and evil; and they who hold it are in danger of worshipping the letter instead of living in the Spirit, of being idolaters of the Bible instead of disciples of Jesus….It is Jesus who is the Revelation of God, not the Bible; that is but a means to a mighty eternal end. The book is indeed sent us by God, but it nowhere claims to be His very word. If it were - and it would be no irreverence to say it - it would have been a good deal better written. Yet even its errors and blunders do not touch the truth, and are the merest trifles - dear as the little spot of earth on the whiteness of the snowdrop. Jesus alone is The Word of God.

With all sorts of doubt I am familiar, and the result of them is, has been, and will be, a widening of my heart and soul and mind to greater glories of the truth - the truth that is in Jesus - and not in Calvin or Luther or St. Paul or St. John, save as they got it from Him, from whom every simple heart may have it, and can alone get it. You cannot have such proof of the existence of God or the truth of the Gospel story as you can have of a proposition in Euclid or a chemical experiment. But the man who will order his way by the word of the Master shall partake of his peace, and shall have in himself a growing conviction that in him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge….

One thing more I must say: though the Bible contains many an utterance of the will of God, we do not need to go there to find how to begin to do his will. In every heart there is a consciousness of some duty or other required of it; that is the will of God. He who would be saved must get up and do that will - if it be but to sweep a room or make an apology, or pay a debt. It was he who had kept the commandments whom Jesus invited to be his follower in poverty and labour."

Image courtesy of dan /FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Monday 9 September 2013

Two basic problems with the Roman Catholic Mass

My good old friend Ian Fraser spoke eloquently yesterday afternoon about the two basic problems with the legitimacy of the Roman Catholic mass. Ian is 95 years old, (nearly 96) a church of Scotland minister, and was appointed by the pope at the time of Vatican two to a panel that brought together Reformed, Orthodox and Catholic scholars to discuss theology and ecclesiology.

The first reason he claimed the RC mass is illegitimate was because it is only ever presided over by one half of the human race - i.e. males. It can never be a legitimate Christian communion until it allows women to preside.

The second reason is that millions of Christians in good standing in their own churches are excluded from the communion because of the RC rules that discriminate against Roman Catholics. Communion cannot be communion if it excludes and discriminates.

Ian was never afraid of controversy - perhaps we need more such honesty in ecumenical debate.

Photo - by me...

Sunday 8 September 2013

Opium of the people

When Karl Marx made his much paraphrased comment about religion in the nineteenth century he was describing the role that organised religion had on the lives of people in that society. This relationship is very different to the relationship that religion and society has today. Power, influence and personal devotion is for the majority of people today very different to then.  Of course what Marx actually said was:  "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people".
I wondered earlier today what is the opium of the people today? What fills the role that Marx identified being occupied by religion. I didn't take me long to come up with an answer! It seems to me quite clear that our celebrity obsessed popular media is the opiate that dulls the senses and interests people in frivolities and meaningless ephemera whilst promising engagement and meaning. 
I believe that religion is today still the heart of the heartless world and the soul of soulless and this can best be seen in conditions where it brings hope in a real political and prophetic sense. I am encouraged by the growth of theologies that have bravely stand against dictators and systems of oppression. This incidentally could be interpreted to mean that I see religious people on Marx's side in this false dichotomy. 
Religion's place in society is as diverse as there are many different people of faith. For me at best it is a prophetic ideal to critique the powers and principalities that rule this world. At worse it is still, as Marx feared, a soft mushy comforter for those who want to be diverted from the real world and bask in the false security of spiritual comfort based on feelings of well-being and health. In this way the false and worse examples of religion not only continue to be guilty as accused by Marx but also are complicit with the ultimately unsatisfying values of our consumerist society.
(Image courtesy ofDanilo Rizzuti FreeDigitalPhotos.net )
