Friday 19 February 2016

The continual journey of the search for truth

Bishop Spong is a controversial figure in the church. I find that sometimes his writing sums up in a short paragraph something that I have felt or thought I knew but found difficult to articulate. I experienced such a memorable light bulb moment when I read the following paragraph.

'The Christian Church will die of boredom long before it dies of controversy. The ranks of the ordained will continue to include a minority who will push the boundaries while the majority will seek to provide the narcotic of religious security. This remains true despite the fact that most of our denominational training schools are in the business of blessing the status quo, rather than engaging in a search for truth that will meet the people of tomorrow’s world.'  - John Shelby Spong.

Am I always pushing the boundaries and searching for truth for the present age OR am I guilty of providing the narcotic of religious security by blessing the status quo?

Image courtesy of Master isolated images at

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