Sunday 27 May 2012

Anne Fine: "Our precious Lulu" - a review

I first encountered Anne Fine as an author of children's novels that packed a reality punch. She wrote about step families, and people misbehaving and dysfunctional families not getting on. (All happy stuff!)
As I read her novel "Our precious Lulu " I realised that she is still writing about dysfunctional families where not very nice people do nasty things to their relatives. But I enjoyed the book, especially the black humour. 
The various characters are all obnoxious for different reasons. Lulu the most obnoxious because of her cutting remarks and sarcasm. She is a master of the innocent faux pas and cutting aside. She seems to do everything to hurt and annoy her step sister as much as possible but in the nicest possible way. Geraldine, the victim is passive and compliant but the years absorbing these attitudes have taken their toll. The book chronicles how she and her husband Robert get their revenge. It even has a surprisingly happy ending.

You can buy this book by clicking here

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