Friday 24 February 2012

A danger of Fundamentalism

The challenge that purposeful, committed Christians face (and likewise purposeful, committed Muslims) is to acknowledge that:
"There is a particular danger in religion... for all religions claim to mediate the absolute. It is easy to topple over the brink and identify that absolute with the finite and fallible human structures through which that absolute is disclosed to human beings."  (Richard Harries)
Keith Ward observes 
"There is brutal, callous intolerant religion in the world and there is kind, compassionate and tolerant religion."
However this observation that religion and Christianity and Islam in particular, can be 'both and' is mostly ignored in a fragmented and intellectually sluggish society.

This post is a quotation from "Bothered and Bewildered" by Ann Morisy (page 12)


  1. "The only true Christianity is the Christianity that demands freedom for all religions." Rudolf Steiner.

    1. Gordon, That is a good quote from Steiner but he was not exactly orthodox in his view of Christianity, to put it mildly. He claims to have had a deep inner experience of Christ and saw Christ as central to human evolution. Christ was the enabler of ascent in spiritual consciousness of humanity. Christ was present in all religions, even if called by different names in the various cultural settings. He saw all manifestations of Christianity as imperfect and in need of change to allow spiritual evolution.

